Nadine Presley is a Syrian Canadian author and literacy educator with over ten years of experience.

The first steps of her writing journey were paved by her continuous search for books her kids can see themselves in. Today, she writes to empower young minds. She hopes her books will serve as beacons of light, reminding children that even in the midst of adversity, there is hope and joy to be found.

Although she holds a Bachelor's in Pharmacy, she has spent most of her adult life, traveling, teaching, mothering and the one constant has always been writing.

Her first published work goes back to the good old days in Damascus, Syria where she had a magazine column called, "Pay it Forward." Though she was young, her passion still remains, to raise awareness and showcase the truth. 

She currently resides in Oakville, Canada, with her husband and three boys. She survives on chai tea latte's, her delicious cooking and the hugs of her boys.